Made-To-Measure Wedding Gowns

Body Types
CIRCE The Legend
Store Location
Contact CIRCE


CIRCE is close to
fabric retailers in the heart of Melbourne.

From the Board Room to Ballroom
Soirée to Street

Circe has 20 years experience making your clothing fantasies a reality. Our expert team will help you make the right choice for your creation.

We can make anything to your specific requirements
from a picture, a sketch, or just an idea.

We always design with you in mind, guiding your
perfect creation from the beginning to
the final touches.

  EMAIL   CIRCE now for an appointment.

Step #1 Making that choice.

1st things 1st : call to make an appointment. When you come in you'll meet the designer, who'll help you think clearly about what you want as well as make a fabric selection. Remember 'Lincraft' and 'Clegs' are less that a minute walk from our studio.

We'll work out the exact design & fitting details, and once that's done, we can give you a firm quote.

Step #2 Tell us what you really want.

When you come in the second time you'll be a shown sketch that has been drawn up especially for you. We talk a bit about any further details or changes you might have in mind - the design is then confirmed and we comprehensively measure you up. The fabric must be supplied at this stage, since it's our deposit.

Step #3 fittings

This is when we dress in what is called a 'calico toile'. It's exactly like the dress you want, but like a model, so as we see how best to fit the garment to your specific requirements. 50% part payment is required at this stage

Step #4 Your Dress Is Ready

The next time you come back is the dress is finished and ready to be worn. This process we have mastered over the years of practice.

Your dreams are realized...
And you walk out the door..

Come in to the CITY STUDIO:
Suite 13
329 Lt. Collins St.
PH. (03)  9650-6678